In light of Mental Health Awareness Month: The Schizophrenic Who Made the Most Music and You Haven’t Even Heard it!

Miller Million
3 min readMay 18, 2021
Singing since the beginning: 1990!

Schizophrenia is an incurable mental illness which its’ cause is unknown. It causes people to hallucinate, think delusionally, become euphoric, psychosis, mania, depression, anxiety, etc. The cause of Schizophrenia is almost boiled down to a couple of culprits. It may be a combination of them, but here’s what I’ve gathered over the years. It is an issue with your immune system, it is a cat parasite disease, it is due to genetics, it involves having too much dopamine, neanderthal genetics, or just being a psychic. No one knows the 100% real reason why 1% of the world’s population has this traumatic mental illness. It has so many downfalls when you are diagnosed with schizophrenia, it’s almost not even worth pushing on. The right medication will ease the positive symptoms (hallucinations, delusions, etc.), but it will never help the negative symptoms (flat mood, depression, anxiety, delusional embedding, etc.)

The man in the picture is me, and I have created music since I was 12 years old. I am now 31 years old at the writing of this publication, and I have to say, I probably made at least 5–25 jams a week since then. At that rate, that would mean I would have created 5,000 tracks at least, or upwards of 25,000 at most. I have to admit, Most of the pre-2009 stuff got destroyed. They were destroyed by myself, due to my first psychotic episode. I believed that all of my music was going to come true, and I did not want to see that world. That music does still exist on the deep interwebs and miscellaneous mixtapes from my childhood friends. I used to rap under the alias J Mill, and after all of my freestyles kept blurting “Miller” and some iteration of “Million(s)” I came to the conclusion, that since Jae Millz exists, and so many underlings were prone to use J Mill, I jumped out and named myself MillerMillion!

At one point in the very early end of my music career, I was ranked #1 on Myspace music for the state of Pennsylvania in 2006. It lasted for 2 months. That means there was a point where I was wilder than Wiz, Mac, Gilly da Kid, etc. It was a grind, and I had never really performed, but people loved my jams, and I was getting mad love on there. I totally deleted that page that day of my first psychotic episode too, so is life.

In all honesty, after I came out of the psych ward in 2009, my music really had dulled down, due to the antipsychotics I was given. So I never needed to delete the music again, due to never really diving into my teenage bad habits, and vulgarities I would spew. So I have mostly everything from 2009+ minus 3–5 hard drives. I have put a ton of effort into creating fun stuff for people to listen to, and I truly hope you all enjoy what I have to offer!

I hope you all enjoy the content featured in the article and give me a listen, I’m being serious when I say, I have created the most music, and I’m only 31. Anyways enjoy, if you or someone you know are struggling with any life issues, do not be afraid to reach out to a friend or family member. The more you confide in those around you, the better you’ll feel about your life situation. Just remember you got this, and always stay amazing fam!


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Thanks! God Bless those affected by mental illness, and may you all find your calling in life!

