How Trump Proved Racism Does Not Exist

Miller Million
5 min readNov 5, 2020

& How Biden Will Continue To Use Racism in its’ Raw Form

Hey guys/gals!

I’m writing you this today just to prove a point, racism doesn’t exist, and it never really has. The amount of support that Trump pulled during the 2020 election from that of all races, proves a point in general, Trump was not racist, and Trump supporters were never racist. How can I validate this? Well, Trump came out in 2015 with a big idea to build a wall on the Mexican border to stop illegal immigration. This would borderline push people to automatically assume the worse, “Trump’s a racist and hates Hispanics!” Trump had started building a wall in his 1st term in office. He strengthened border control, and actually went after illegal immigrants in many parts of the country also. He deported many illegal immigrants back to their countries and stayed the course on “Making America Great Again!” By doing this something miraculous happened. The unemployment rate dropped tremendously among all races and the US had hit the lowest number of unemployment by the end of 2019. This means more worker’s taxed income went to supporting actual American citizens, and not illegal immigrants. I feel this alone helped ignite the fight to go to work and help actual American citizens, and not just a bunch of freeloaders.

In early 2020, the USA had acquired its’ first covid case. Trump banned all travel from China, most likely saving millions of lives from that decision alone. Biden called Trump a racist for this decision. Democrats everywhere flared up and said it was too harsh of an action. This was just the beginning of the media taking things too far in 2020 to sway a vote on an election year. Not only was Trump’s decision life saving, but it also put his whole campaign in jeopardy. Media outlets everywhere started riding this Covid-19 wave to the maximum and generated much fear in all American citizens. They did not care about the fact that young people were basically going to survive a covid infection. They wanted the hate for Trump to spread like a wildfire in California and did everything in their possible power to push that agenda to the full extent. Trump made very early calls on a stay-at-home order and willingly took his hard-earned booming economy out of play. Businesses closed all across the United States of America, and many American’s became unemployed and started relying on the extra $600 a week as a source of income. This destroyed all of the hard work Trump had done for our nation over the course of his presidency, all within a week.

Trump put America’s health and well being first and saved countless infections and lives. He signed the CARES act and lined the pockets of every American with a fresh $1200 + $600 per dependent. This was awfully generous of him and ultimately a much-needed action to combat the coronavirus and keep people economically steady. The stay-at-home order was then set to expire in early June and this is where the United States of America as we know it did the unthinkable. A greedy presidential candidate by the name of Joe R. Biden stated on a talk show on 5/22/2020 “If you have a problem deciding whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” The news outlets reported this and Biden’s campaign was about to be shot down from the jump start from his menacing remark.

3 Days After Joe Biden’s Remark, The Media Blew a Police Killing Out of Proportion

3 and a half years have gone by under the Trump presidency, and we had not seen the likes of BLM protests and corruption. 3 whole days after Joe Biden stated his racist statement, the killing of George Floyd got recorded and the leftist media used it as fuel to ignite riots, looting, arson, all across America. A covid lockdown basically erased, as thousands of protestors hit the streets in the name of “justice and defunding the police”. If you participated in any of these shenanigans over a hard fledged criminal dying at the hands of law enforcement, then you too were playing to the hand of Joe Biden himself. This then turned into 150+ days of continued outrage, protests, riots, looting, etc. Trump immediately started sending the National Guard to major cities all across the country to help quell the fires. All along the democratic media called all of it “Peaceful.” Joe Biden had said nothing about the whole situation until about 90 days after the initial democratic smoke screen. In late August Biden finally came out and condemned the violence that had been caused due to the BLM reboot.

Joe Biden Chose his Running Mate Strictly on Gender and Race

To chase down crucial votes, Joe Biden went to the bulletproof tactic of choosing a running mate. He chose Kamala Harris, even though she called him a racist during the primaries.

Trump Supporters Turn Out for the 2020 Election

Come to find out, a lot of different races, Hispanics in particular voted for Donald J. Trump to remain president. Hispanics hated to watch their cities set ablaze by the likes of BLM and they loved the action that President Trump took to quell the riots. Cuban Hispanics in particular do not want to go back to a socialist lifestyle and voted heavily in Trump’s favor. Trump even secured a lot of the black vote from Biden because they were “woke” enough to see the sabotage done to them from his remarks.

It Still May Not Be Enough to Prevent a Joe Biden Presidency

Pollsters everywhere were predicting a Biden landslide victory. Particularly since Biden wants to shut down America again to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The censorship of big tech, the blasphemy spewed by leftist media since his victory, the corrupt lies spread throughout the presidency, ultimately pushed enough pawns to cast enough votes to push Biden so much closer to a 2020 victory. If this is the case, and Biden’s campaign relied so heavily on painting Trump a racist, only emits the fact that Biden will continue to push a racist agenda in the name of unity. He will not stop racism at all. In fact, he may make it more of an issue than it really is. America has come so far with the power of technology, and interaction, that racism doesn’t really exist with anyone that was born mid-80’s to today. The fact that Joe Biden is 78 years old and has said many a racist thing or so, only means he will use Racism in its rawest form, to push the general public to bend to his will for a second term. Just because you were the VP to the first black president, doesn’t give you a pass to being “anti-racist.” Actions and words speak louder, and the media has painted Joe as this humanitarian that he really is not. Time will tell if he can unify America for the better, but I am betting on a “Hell No” in regards to that.

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