How to Transform Weekends into Workhorse Work Weeks

Miller Million
3 min readJun 6, 2021

Become a productive human with easy steps!

Have you ever spent your weekends wearing yourself out traumatically and having a crappy week ahead? In this post, I will outline the simple steps needed to have a very productive work week for the week ahead.

Know your role

One of the main things to become productive is to know what your roles are as things currently are. That means you should give all your main tasks the name of the role they are. For example, I’m a father, writer, musician, streamer, county employee, gamer, house cleaner, and a boyfriend. I would take this a step further and rate yourself on each role. To be exceptional at your roles, you need to understand what exceptional means for each role. You can then try to reach exceptional role status by coming up with a plan to excel at everything by planning to tackle the most important stuff each role presents. For example, to excel at becoming a writer, I would like to write everyday and start generating revenue from content I produce. I’m working on a non-fiction book of my life through my first hand experiences. I’m also reading to become a better writer. All of these steps will boost my rating of the role of being a writer.

Always write your thoughts and tasks ahead

I call this a mastermind list. You’ll basically open a notebook, or an app, and you can write everything on your plate in that current moment. Start out by writing everything you are currently dealing with. Then write down everything you are happy about. Follow that up with what you would like to change or have. Then write down some tasks you can perform this coming week to succeed. Just know, goals are minuscule in comparison to the systems at play to make those goals a reality.

Nap but don’t sleep in

I’m not your parent, but understand this, studies indicate that sleeping in way over your normal week wake time drastically decreases your productivity for the week. I say sleep in maybe up to one hour after your normal wake up schedule for Monday-Friday. Also take a nap on the weekend. A nap allows you to tackle the day in two bite size portions, rather than choking on the whole big D (day). A good 10–30 minute nap isn’t hurting anybody and only helps you gain more recuperation for your days off.

Don’t indulge in substances

Always maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. There are some people who spend the weekends going out to party and get jacked up on booze and drugs. There is a term for these type of people called, “weekend warriors”. Trust me the only thing they are fighting is the repercussions of their bad decisions the morning after. I’m not saying don’t have one or two brews if you want, but don’t go be a superhero thinking you can chug a handle of vodka in 5 mins. Always take care of yourself and maybe even consider detoxing if you already have a crap load of chemicals in your system.

Notice the important stuff needed to complete for the week ahead

Notice and possibly write down all of the important things you need to achieve for the week ahead. If you continuously tackle important tasks, you’ll most likely never have urgent and non-important tasks to complete. That’s the beauty of effective actions per minute compared to just actions per minute.

Always strive to be better

As always, sharpen your tools, and always be 1% better than you were the day before. 1% growth for a whole year will mean you will be 365% more efficient than you were today a year from now. Don’t think it is impossible, it’s always obtainable. 1% is easy.

In conclusion, amazing weekly productivity begins with how you treat yourself on the weekend prior. Always maintain a healthy lifestyle, be mindful of all tasks on your plate, rest, don’t indulge, and all things will fall into place!

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